Interested Challenge
This was the must fun Amal Challenge so far.
Today was the day I decided to take the Interested challenge. In the night I told myself that I’d be taking the interested challenge the next day and I have to be prepared for it. And I could feel the same excitement a kid feels before his first day at school after long vacations (excitement which is inculcated by the thought of using new pens, bag, water bottle, lunchbox and whatnot )
When I woke up, I saw my roommate was already awake. I greeted her good morning with a big smile on my face. Now that was something that actually startled her (I don’t usually wake up with a good mood). I asked her did she sleep well. And had a little chat with her whilst laying on my bed
After that I got ready and left for my university. There I met my friends. And the same I did; I asked each one of them about themselves and was very genuine in my concern in asking after them. The common reaction I got was each person felt a bliss. It’s a fact that everyone of us enjoys being the center of the talk and when we give them the opportunity to be the one, they feel special and sometimes loved.
Other than my friends I also went out of the way to greet and meet my other class fellows. I was careful of not being too obvious. One of my class fellows told me that she was facing some problems with Chinese and it was making her very tense. I talked to her and also gave her some tips to help her improve and of course my notes as well.
When I came back to hostel, I called my mother, as a matter of routine. But I was very conscious to direct the conversation towards her; asking how her day was, what did she do and most importantly If she was happy today.
It was an extraordinary experience for me. Being a psychology major I already knew the importance of giving due attention to people and its in fact one of the things I apply in my everyday life when engaging in talk with the people. But I had never applied this in routine small talk and conversations. And when today I applied this, I felt extremely happy. I felt that these 24 hours were not about me, they were about the people around me.